
Airport to Montemuse

Most students choose to rent a car at the airport, as Montemuse is quite remote. Alternatively there are train and bus options from all airports to our nearest town, but it takes much longer and may add extra overnight stops en route to your trip.

Whichever airport you land at the drive to Montemuse is very scenic, and with your own transport you can do a bit of touring during your stay.  This is a spectacular region with much to do and see in the hours when the piano becomes just too much!

Approximate driving times and train routes are shown below.  Take your time and enjoy the ride.

Approximate driving times to Montemuse from:

  1. Rome (Fumicino)        – 2hrs 45 mins
  2. Rome (Ciampino)        – 2hrs 30 mins
  3. Ancona airport             – 1 hr 30 mins  (nearest airport)
  4. Pescara airport            – 1 hr 45 mins
  5. Perugia airport             – 1 hr 45 mins
  6. Rimini airport               – 2 hours
  7. Bologna (Marco Polo) – 3 hours

Train to Pedaso (closest town) – approximate journey times

  1. Rome Fumicino to Pedaso          2 changes (5+ hours)
  2. Rome Ciampino to Pedaso         2 changes (5+ hours)
  3. Ancona to Pedaso                      1 change (2 hours)
  4. Pescara to Pedaso                     1 change (2 hours)
  5. Rimini to Pedaso                        1 change (2.5 hours)
  6. Perugia to Pedaso                      2 changes (5 hours)
  7. Bologna Marco Polo to Pedaso   2 changes (5 hours)